CD command, also known as
Syntax :
cd <folder_name>
Important Parameters :
/d - To change the drive while changing the folder.
Example Usage :
Suppose We have a folder named 'abc' in E:\ and another folder 'xyz' in 'abc' and we are currently in E:\ in our command prompt.
a) cd abc - will take you inside the folder named 'abc'.
b) cd .. - will take you one folder backwards i.e. back to E:\
c) cd abc\xyz will take you directly from E:\ to E:\abc\xyz.
d) cd\ - will take you directly to the E:\ from E:\abc\xyz.
f) cd /d C:\Windows - will change your drive and take you to C:\Windows from E:\
(change directory) is the most commonly used command. It is used to change our current working directory. While working in command prompt we need to move through directories (folders).Syntax :
cd <folder_name>
Important Parameters :
/d - To change the drive while changing the folder.
Example Usage :
Suppose We have a folder named 'abc' in E:\ and another folder 'xyz' in 'abc' and we are currently in E:\ in our command prompt.
a) cd abc - will take you inside the folder named 'abc'.
b) cd .. - will take you one folder backwards i.e. back to E:\
c) cd abc\xyz will take you directly from E:\ to E:\abc\xyz.
d) cd\ - will take you directly to the E:\ from E:\abc\xyz.
f) cd /d C:\Windows - will change your drive and take you to C:\Windows from E:\