One of the first tools you need for a penetration test is a Port Scanner. There are some very awesome port scanners out there like Nmap but did you ever wonder how to make one? Here's how:
Download the python code from pastebin.
Here is a similar example in Java:
Download the Java code from pastebin.
Note: This is a very basic example and must not be used as a substitute for tools like Nmap.
#! /usr/bin/env python # # Author: Abdul Fatir # E-Mail: from socket import * HostName = raw_input("Host Name: ") try: # gethostbyname(HostName) returns the IPv4 address of a website IPaddress = gethostbyname(HostName) except: print "[-] Could not find host." quit() portstring = raw_input("Ports (separated by commas):") ports = portstring.split(",") print "\n[*] Scan results for "+HostName+" ("+IPaddress+"):" # setdefaulttimeout(1) sets the waiting time for website response to 1 seconds. This may result in closed port even though the port may be open if it takes more than 1 second. setdefaulttimeout(1) for port in ports: try: connection = socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM) # socket.connect((IP,PORT)) connect to the IP at given port. connection.connect((IPaddress,int(port))) connection.send('hello\r\n') # socket.recv(BUFFER_SIZE) receives the server response data = connection.recv(8) # If we have reached this far that means the port is open. print "\t[+] "+port+"/tcp open" except: print "\t[-] "+port+"/tcp closed" finally: connection.close()
Download the python code from pastebin.
Here is a similar example in Java:
import*; import java.util.*; import*; import static java.lang.System.out; public class PortScanner { public static void main(String args[])throws IOException { BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; out.print("HostName: "); String host=br.readLine(); InetAddress address=null; try { address = InetAddress.getByName(host); } catch(UnknownHostException uhe) { out.print("[-] Could not find host."); System.exit(0); } out.print("Ports (separated by commas): "); String portstring = br.readLine(); StringTokenizer ports = new StringTokenizer(portstring,","); out.println("[*] Scan results for "+host+" ("+address.getHostAddress()+"):"); while(ports.hasMoreTokens()) { int port = 0; try{ port = Integer.parseInt(ports.nextToken()); Socket conn=new Socket(); conn.connect(new InetSocketAddress(host,port),1000); conn.close(); out.println("\t[+] "+port+"/tcp open"); } catch(SocketTimeoutException ste) { out.println("\t[-] "+port+"/tcp closed"); } } } }
Download the Java code from pastebin.
Note: This is a very basic example and must not be used as a substitute for tools like Nmap.