Simple Message Box to annoy your friends using VBScript

VBScript (Visual Basic Script) is a scripting language developed by Microsoft. It is a lightweight Active Scripting Language with a very fast interpreter.

Here is a very simple VBScript code to annoy your friends. This code will pop up an annoying message box again and again. Here are the steps:

a) Type the following code in notepad:

msgbox("Hello There!")
msgbox("Hello again!")

b) Save this as "CoolMsgBox.vbs" (with quotes i.e. a file named CoolMsgBox with extension .vbs)

c) Double Click on this file to view the Message Box.


a) Open Task Manager. (Ctrl + Shift + Esc)

b) Click on Processestab.

c) Look for a process named 'wscript.exe' , click on it and Click End Process.

d) Click End Process again in the dialog box 'Do you want to end the process wscript.exe?' and the job is done.