Why start with Java?

How to start programming? What programming language should be started as an amateur? These are the questions which arise in the minds of all those who want to learn coding more so because they are usually being fed with C++ at their academic level. Every language has its own benefits and problems but I believe Java should be the language which we should start with. Following are my reasons:

a) Java is an Object Oriented Programming (OOP) Language:

You may have heard the term OOP many times but may not be completely aware of its meaning. In the layman's terms OOP means you can compare Java to a real world object. An object, for example a car has its own set of properties like color, model etc. same is the case for a Java object, it has its own set of properties and functions.

b) Java is easier to code in:

Java is precise and easy to learn. To make a simple Window frame you need to code less than 5 lines in Java while you code more than 25 lines in C++. Leave aside the number of lines, the bottom line is you can easily understand Java code.

c) Java is Open Source:

Source code of almost all standard and non standard Java libraries is readily available on the internet and is also bundled with the Java Development Kit (JDK).

d) Java is cross platform:

While an executable (.exe) program made using C++, C# or C works only on Windows your Java code can run on any platform be it Linux, Unix etc. You name the platform and you run Java on it.

e) Java's scope is wide:

If you learn Java thoroughly you can be sure that you've almost learnt C# and C++ (you'll take a day or so and start coding in C# if you know Java). 
Every Android Application is coded in Java.